
Download a brochure on Freemasonry


Last Updated

16 February 2022

Mason mason mason middlesex middlesex

Do you want to know how to join the Freemasons in the Southgate or Middlesex area?

How do you become a Freemason and be part of a unique worldwide charitable organisation?

Do you want to find out more about becoming a Freemason?

There is a simple answer to these questions, all you have to do is download the brochure on the subject, that will tell you a little more about what we do, then browse the pages on this site and if you are still interested, we could have have an informal chat to discuss the next steps you may wish to take. My details are listed below. It is that easy.


So, if you think you may like to join a Masonic Lodge, why not consider joining us at Oakwood?

New Members: We are always looking for prospective candidates, so if you are interested in Masonry and thinking of joining a Masonic Lodge in Middlesex, then Oakwood might be the one for you, just contact us either through Text, E-mail or telephone to obtain more information and arrange an informal meeting, normally at the Southgate Masonic Centre. (See contact details below)

Joining Members: If you are already a Freemason and wish to join Oakwood Lodge, contact the Secretary for further information.

Visiting Masons: Members of Metropolitan, Provincial, District and Overseas Masonic Lodges are invited to attend any of our meetings, apply to the secretary at least 7 days in advance of the meeting.


Regular Meetings: Oakwood Lodge meet four times a year, on the 3rd Saturday in February (Installation), 3rd Saturday in June, 3rd Saturday in October and 3rd Saturday in November. at the Southgate Masonic Centre. Members of other Lodges are welcome to come along as visitors.

There’s no need to wait for an invitation, just E-mail or Telephone the Secretary. We look forward to welcoming you.


The next Regular Meeting of Oakwood Lodge 7797 will be held on :

Saturday 15th October 2022

2nd degree

Start Time 4.30pm


Lodge of Instruction : A cordial invitation is extended to Brethren of all Lodges to attend the Oakwood Lodge of Instruction, where we meet to rehearse the Masonic ceremonies. We practice Taylors ritual. Our Meetings are held at the Southgate Masonic Centre, on every other Monday evening at 8pm from September to June.


Contact the Secretary: Michael Watts

Tel. 07867630801 or E-Mail:


Province of Middlesex